Dating Mistake #1: Being Too Available

We’re not suggesting you play games, but we are telling you to indulge your passions and resist the urge to abandon your social circle every time your new man sends an invitation.

Dating Mistake #2: Trying to change a Bad Boy

Stop going into a bad relationship, thinking that you can change the final results. You must know that being single is better than being in a relationship with someone who treats you poorly. If you are in such a relationship, it’s best to get out and leave yourself available when the right guy comes along.

Dating Mistake #3: Looking For Perfection

It is fine to set standards when looking for your potential mate (e.g humorous, honest, etc) but don’t go expecting him/her to look like a movie star. Sit down and think logically about what characteristics are non-negotiable, and then be open-minded about the rest.

Dating Mistake #4: Feeling Sorry for Yourself

Don’t wallow in self-pity that you are single. Use this time to date yourself by doing things that you enjoy, for example, taking dance lessons, going for a play, or going on a vacation. You are more likely to meet someone who shares your interests than stay alone in your house.

Dating Mistake #5: Being Too Selfish in Your Relationship

Do not be too self-absorbed and think about your needs more than his. A partnership involves two people who share mutual interests and mutually benefit one another.

Dating Mistake #6: Believing in The One

Approach dating with the idea that there are plenty of men who are capable of making you laugh, sharing your values, and melting your heart, and you’re going to have fun with several of them until you find one worthy of your commitment.

Dating Mistake #7: Forgetting Your Manners

Remember to thank your date after a great night out. Men will appreciate it and know that their efforts in making the night magical were not in vain.